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Math Exponentiation Formulas


Math Exponentiation Formulas

Before we you about Math Exponentiation Formulas. You should know what is Exponentiation?

What is Exponentiation?

Answer : Exponentiation is a mathematical operation. It is used as square and multiply algorithm, which is written as xa, it is involving two numbers, the base x and the exponent a. When a is a positive integer, exponentiation corresponds to repeatedly multiplication of the base that is, xa is the product of multiplying a bases:



Math Exponentiation Formulas




Math Exponentiation Formulas






Multiplication : xa . xb = x a + b  Add exponent
Example : 33 * 34 = 33+4 = 37


Division : xa / xb = xa – b  Subtract exponent
Example : x7 / x5 = x7-5 =x2



Power of power : (xa)b = xab Multiply exponent
Example : (52)3 = 52*3 = 56


Power of Product : (xy)a = xa y a Multiply exponent



Power of fraction : (x/y)a = xa / ya


  • Inverse : x-a = 1 / xa


  1. Zero power : x0 = 1 (x != 0)
  • Why a number raised to the 0 power is ?
    x / x = 1
    so, x / x = x1 / x1 = 1
    therefore, x1 / x1 = x 1-1 = x0 = 1
  • X1/n = n√a
  • xm/n = n√am




If the exponent is power of 2

Example 1: Find 3128 mod 7

So, 32 mod 7 = 9 mod 7 = 2
then, 34 mod 7 = 92 mod 7 = 81 mod 7 = 4
then, 38 mod 7 = 42 mod 7 = 16 mod 7 = 2
therefore, 316 mod 7 = 22 mod 7 = 4
then, 332 mod 7 = 42 mod 7 = 2
then, 364 mod 7 = 22 mod 7 = 4
therefore, 3128 mod 7 = 42 mod 7 = 2
So, 3128 mod 7 = 2.



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