Shortcut tricks on percentage are one of the most important topics in exams. Time takes a huge part in competitive exams. If you know how to manage time then you will surely do great in your exam. Most of us skip that part. Here in this page we give few examples on Percentage shortcut tricks. These shortcut tricks cover all sorts of tricks on Percentage. Visitors are requested to carefully read all shortcut examples. These examples will help you to understand Percentage Shortcut Tricks 4.
Before starting anything just do a math practice set. Write down twenty math problems related to this topic on a page. Using basic math formula do first ten maths of that page. You also need to keep track of timing. Write down the time taken by you to solve those questions. Now read our examples on Percentage Shortcut Tricks 4 and practice few questions. After doing this go back to the remaining ten questions and solve those using shortcut methods. Again keep track of the time. The timing will be surely improved this time. But this is not all you need. You need to practice more to improve your timing more.
Few Important things to Remember
You all know that math portion is very much important in competitive exams. It doesn’t mean that other topics are not so important. But only math portion can leads you to a good score. A good score comes with practice and practice. You should do your math problems within time with correctness, and only shortcut tricks can give you that success. But it doesn’t mean that you can’t do math problems without using any shortcut tricks. You may do math problems within time without using any shortcut tricks. You may have that potential. But so many people can’t do this. For those we prepared this percentage shortcut tricks. We always try to put all shortcut methods of the given topic. But it possible we miss any. We appreciate if you share that with us. Your little help will help so many needy.
Percentage Shortcut Tricks 4
At first we need to follow some traditional rule then we go through the shortcut tricks. Percentage Type 4 Shortcut Tricks is based on, to find the number of valid votes that the other candidate got, Percentage is a very important chapter and it uses most chapters for calculation. some problems are based on Relation between Percentage or x and y.
This type of problem are given in Quantitative Aptitude which is a very essential paper in banking exam. Under below given some more example for your better practice.
when we say 100 percent in mathematical notation we write 100% so 35 % means 35 per 100 and 65% means 65 per 100 it is a proportion per hundred and it is used to find marks, profit percent or loss percent of a particular product. it is also used in find out the depreciation at the rate percent per annul.
we can expressed ration number as percent, Here is some different percent related problems are given with shortcut tricks below.
Example #1 – Percentage Shortcut Tricks 4
In an examination, it is required to get 30% marks to pass the exam. Ramesh got 294 and he failed by 6 marks. What is the maximum marks of the exam?
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Answer: Option (C)
How to Solve 294 + 6 = 300 (300 x 100) / 30 = 1000.
So, the maximum marks of the exam is 1000.
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Example #2 – Percentage Shortcut Tricks 4
Sanjay got 88 marks in Hindi, 81 marks in Science, 74 marks in Maths, 68 marks in Social Science and 57 marks in History. The maximum marks of each subject is 100. How much overall percentage of marks did he get?
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Answer: Option (C)
How to Solve Total Marks Sanjay got is: (88 + 81 + 74 + 68 + 57) = 368 Percentage = (368 x 100) / 500 = 73.6%.
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Example #3 – Percentage Shortcut Tricks 4
In a class test, it is required to get 45% marks to pass. Joy got 618 marks and failed by 57 marks. What is the maximum marks in class test?
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Answer: Option (A)
How to Solve Let’s assume total marks in the examination is X. Joy got 618 marks and failed by 57 marks. X x 45% = 618 + 57 or, X x 45% = 675 or, X = 675 x 100 / 45 = 1500.
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Example #4 – Percentage Shortcut Tricks 4
An engineering student has to secure 60% marks to pass. He gets 70 and fails by 50 marks. Find the maximum marks.
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Answer: Option (B)
How to Solve He gets 70 and fails by 50. So, 60% = 70 + 50 60% = 120 100% = (120 x 100) / 60 = 200 marks.
So, the maximum marks is 200.
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Example #5 – Percentage Shortcut Tricks 4
The average marks of Rahim in nine subject is 68. His average marks in eight subjects except Math is 65. How many marks did he get in Math?
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Answer: Option (D)
How to Solve (68 x 9) – (65 x 8) = 612 – 520 = 92.
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Example #6 – Percentage Shortcut Tricks 4
Ranjan got 82 marks in Math, 78 marks in Physics, 65 marks in Computer, 68 marks in English. The maximum marks of each subject is 85. How much overall percentage of marks did Ranjan get?
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Answer: Option (B)
How to Solve Total marks got in all subject ( 82 + 78 + 65 + 68 ) = 293 Maximum marks ( 85 x 4 ) = 340 Percentage = 293 x 100 / 340 = 86.17%.
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Example #7 – Percentage Shortcut Tricks 4
A student scores 25% and failed by 35 marks while another student who scores 65% and get 45 marks more than minimum required marks to pass. Find the maximum marks in the exam?
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Answer: Option (C)
How to Solve 25% + 35 = 65% – 45 65% – 25% = 45 + 35 40% = 80 100% = 80 x 100 / 40 = 200 marks.
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Example #8 – Percentage Shortcut Tricks 4
If N is equals to 20% of M and P is equals to 30% of N, then what is the 40% of P?
0.024 M
0.024 N
0.06 M
0.06 N
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Answer: Option (A)
How to Solve N = 20% of M = ( 20 / 100 ) x M = 0.2 M. P = 30% of N = ( 30 / 100 ) x N = 0.3 N = 0.3 x 0.2 M. So, here 40% of P = ( 40 / 100 ) x P = ( 0.4 )( 0.3 )( 0.2 M ) = 0.024 M.
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Example #9 – Percentage Shortcut Tricks 4
In an examination, it is required to get 57% of the aggregate marks to pass. A student gets 237 marks and is declared failed by 7% marks. What are the maximum aggregate marks a student can get?
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Answer: Option (D)
How to Solve 57% = 237 + 7% 57% – 7% = 237 50% = 237 100% = (237 x 100) / 50 = 474.
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Example #10 – Percentage Shortcut Tricks 4
A student has to obtain 34% of the total marks to pass in the exam. He got 113 and failed by 40 marks. The maximum marks are?
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Answer: Option (B)
How to Solve Let, the maximum marks is X. Then, 34% of X = 113 + 40 34 / 100 x X = 153 X = 153 x 100 / 34 X = 15300 / 34 = 450.
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Example #11
Raja has to score 60% to pass exam. He scores 225 marks and failed by 15%. Find the maximum marks of the exam.
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Answer: Option (C)
How to Solve 60% – 15% = 225 45% = 225 100% = 225 x 100 / 45 = 500 marks.
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Example #12
Ajit and Bimal join into a partnership for a year. Ajit invest Rs.1500/- and Bimal Rs.2000/-. After four months they admit Chandan, who invest Rs.2250/-. If bimal withdraw his investment after nine months, how would they share of profit Rs.1200/- at the end of the year?
2 : 3 : 1
3 : 5 : 1
1 : 1 : 1
3 : 4 : 1
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Answer: Option (C)
How to Solve Ajit’s share : Bimal’s share : Chandan’s share 1500 x 12 : 2000 x 9 : 2250 x 8 = 180 : 180 : 180 = 1 : 1 : 1
Therefore, each of them gets the profit 1200 / 3 = Rs.400/-.
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Example #13
Amir and Bikash started a partnership with their capitals in the ratio 7 : 9. At the end of 8 months, Amir withdraws his capital. If they both receive the profit in the ratio 8 : 9, find how long Bikash’s capital was used.
7 Months
8 Months
11 Months
15 Months
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Answer: Option (A)
How to Solve We have 7 x 8 / 9 x X = 8/9 X = 7 x 8 x 9 / 8 x 9 = 7
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Prithivirajan says:
I have a doubt in example 4,whether it is 7 subjects except maths is 65 or 8 subjects except maths is 65.
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I have a doubt in example 4,whether it is 7 subjects except maths is 65 or 8 subjects except maths is 65.
In example 6, the first equation should be,