Square and Square Root of 100 base shortcut tricks are very important thing to know for your exams. Time is the main factor in competitive exams. If you know how to manage time then you will surely do great in your exam. Most of us miss this thing. Here in this page we give few examples on Square and Square Root of 100 base shortcut tricks. We try to provide all types of shortcut tricks on square and square root of 100 base here. Visitors please read carefully all shortcut examples. These examples here will help you to better understand shortcut tricks on square and square root of 100 base.
Before starting anything just do a math practice set. Choose any twenty math problems and write it down on a page. Solve first ten math problems according to basic math formula. You also need to keep track of timing. After solving all ten math questions write down total time taken by you to solve those questions. Now read our shortcut tricks examples on this topic and practice few questions. After doing this go back to the remaining ten questions and solve those using shortcut methods. Again keep track of timing. You will surely see the improvement in your timing this time. But this is not all you want. You need more practice to improve your timing more.
Few Important things to remember
We all know that the most important thing in competitive exams is Mathematics. That doesn’t mean that other sections are not so important. But only math portion can leads you to a good score. A good score comes with practice and practice. All you need to do is to do math problems correctly within time, and only shortcut tricks can give you that success. Again it does not mean that you can’t do maths without using shortcut tricks. You may have that potential to do maths within time without using any shortcut tricks.
But, so many other people may not do the same. For those we prepared this square and square root of 100 base shortcut tricks. We always try to put all shortcut methods of the given topic. But if you see any tricks are missing from the list then please inform us. Your little help will help so many needy.
Square and Square method in two steps
Square and Square Root both are very important in any competitive exams. Without remembering Square and Square Root Shortcut Tricks you can’t survive in exam hall.
i want some more shortcut tricks on square roots
do you want more square shortcut (a+b)SQUARE =asquare + 2xaxb + bsquare as 108 square = a=100,b=8
1 square x10000+8x1x2x100 +8 square =64 =11664
321 square= 3 square x 10000 + 21x2x3x100+ 21square= 90000+12600+441=103041
(a-b)SQUARE =asquare – 2xaxb+bsquare as 96 square = a=100 b= 4
1×10000-2x100x4 + 4square =10000-800+16=
How will we find out 54 square by using 100 bases method ?
We can find square of 54 using 50 base
54- 50 = 4
add 4 to the 25 ie 29
square of 4 is 16
so answer is 2916
100 base method is long so you can find the answer with 50 base method .
The formula is (25plus minus D) D square 00
D= Difference
00 means, there will be 2 digit at last
Now solve the problem …
54-50 = 4, D= 4
D square = 16 (16 is a 2 digit number, if there will be a 1 digit number than we add a 0 before them )
Now 25+4 = 29
29 and 16 write as 2916, ans..
This mothod solve my problem but this trick take more time
We can find square of 54 using 50 base.
54-50 =4
add 4 to 25 ie 29
square of 4 is 16
so answer is 2916
how to find square root of 2070.25 ?
Is there any more simple tricks available?
How too find square of 76 using 100 base formula
good tricks
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