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Problems Based on years ago Ages Shortcut Tricks
Problem based on years ago Ages is an very important topic which is given most of the competitive exams.You can easily solve all kind of Aptitude questions based on Problems on years ago Ages by practicing regularly.
Before going to solve the problem on ages you need to know the linear equation which help in math but first you are do traditional process than you learn ages shortcut tricks. This type of problem are given in Quantitative Aptitude which is a very essential paper in banking exam.Under below given some more example for your better practice.
Shortcut Tricks are very important things in competitive exam. Time is the main factor in competitive exams. If you know time management then everything will be easier for you. Most of us miss this thing. Few examples on problems based on years ago ages shortcuts is given in this page below. These shortcut tricks cover all sorts of tricks on Problems Based on years ago Ages. We request all visitors to read all examples carefully. These examples here will help you to better understand shortcut tricks on problems based on years ago ages.
How to begin with Problems Based on years ago Ages chapter
First of all do a practice set on math of any exam. Choose any twenty math problems and write it down on a page. Using basic math formula do first ten maths of that page. You also need to keep track of Timing. Write down the time taken by you to solve those questions. Now go through our page for problems based on years ago ages shortcut trick. After doing this go back to the remaining ten questions and solve those using shortcut methods. Again keep track of timing. You will surely see the improvement in your timing this time. But this is not enough. If you need to improve your timing more then you need to practice more.
Few Important things to Remember
We all know that the most important thing in competitive exams is Mathematics. That doesn’t mean that other sections are not so important. But if you need a good score in exam then you have to score good in maths. A good score comes with practice and practice. You should do your math problems within time with correctness, and you can do this only by using shortcut tricks. But it doesn’t mean that you can’t do math problems without using any shortcut tricks. You may do math problems within time without using any shortcut tricks. You may have that potential.
But, so many other people may not do the same. So Problems Based on years ago Ages shortcut tricks here for those people. We try our level best to put together all types of shortcut methods here. But we may miss few of them. If you know anything else rather than this please do share with us. Your little help will help so many needy.
Example #1 – Problems Based on years ago Ages
The ratio between the present age of Sabir and Subir is 4 : 7. After 3 years Subir’s age will be 52. What was the age of Sabir 4 years before?
- 22 Years
- 24 Years
- 26 Years
- 28 Years
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Suman and Bikash is 50 years and 70 years old. How many years ago their age ratio was 3 : 5 ?
The present ratio of ages of P and Q is 4 : 6. If the sum of present ages of P and Q is 50 years. Find the ages of P and Q before 4 years.
And then the present age of P is 4X = 4 x 5 = 20 years.
So, 4 years ago the age of P was ( 20 – 4 ) = 16 years.
Present age of Q is 6X = 6 x 5 = 30 years.
So, 4 years ago the age of Q was ( 30 – 4 ) = 26 years.
it surely helpful to students who are looking to the campus placement.
sir i am not able to understand the example5 so please explain it
Sir or mam whoever plz add some tricks for students so that they can solve easily without taking more time
Very nice
hey plz rep. m not getting exp. 4 from 3rd line.
pls recheck it
TO admin
This questions are so easy that most of us calculate in mind just by a look , so are you sure this question will help for exams..?
Very helpful
Nice bro
Usefull tricks sir thank u sir
sir thank for your shortcut trick but example 5 .after means plus but you explain minus but why plz explain it.
In Example 5 , we need to add another 5 to the final answer to find out their ages b4 5 years f
give some more shortcuts……..
Helpful…..thank you
so easy questions plz upload some hard level questions
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