You all know that VBODMAS Rules Example 1 as well as the whole math portion is very much important in competitive exams. It doesn’t mean that other topics are not so important. But only math portion can leads you to a good score. Only practice and practice can give you a good score. You should do your math problems within time with correctness, and only shortcut tricks can give you that success. But it doesn’t mean that without using shortcut tricks you can’t do any math problems. You may have that potential that you may do maths within time without using any shortcut tricks.
But, other peoples may not do the same. Here we prepared VBODMAS rules shortcut tricks for those people. We try our level best to put together all types of shortcut methods here. But we may miss few of them. If you know anything else rather than this please do share with us. Your little help will help so many needy.
VBODMAS stands for ( Vinculum – Bracket – Of – Division – Multiplication – Addition – Subtraction ) so when this type match are given we make a mistake to calculate and that which symbol we use first to calculate. Here some VBODMAS Rules and some Example where we use some shortcut tricks where we get original output quickly.
how 332 in 2nd line of last question.
wrong step
that is wrong
55×6=330 then
multiply first and then add.
how 332 in 2nd one
how 50 in every example
i explained the 2nd question
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