Profit or Gain percent shortcut tricks are very important thing to know for your exams. Time takes a huge part in competitive exams. If you know time management then everything will be easier for you. Most of us miss that part. Here in this page we give few examples on Profit or Gain percent shortcut tricks. We try to provide all types of shortcut tricks on profit or gain percent here. Visitors are requested to carefully read all shortcut examples. These examples will help you to understand shortcut tricks on Profit or Gain percent.
Before doing anything we recommend you to do a math practice set. Choose any twenty math problems and write it down on a page. Solve first ten math problems according to basic math formula. You also need to keep track of timing. Write down the time taken by you to solve those questions. Now read our examples on profit or gain percent shortcut tricks and practice few questions. After doing this go back to the remaining ten questions and solve those using shortcut methods. Again keep track of the time. The timing will be surely improved this time. But this is not enough. You need to practice more to improve your timing more.
Few Things to Remember
We all know that the most important thing in competitive exams is Mathematics. That doesn’t mean that other topics are less important. You can get a good score only if you get a good score in math section. A good score comes with practice and practice. The only thing you need to do is to do your math problems correctly and within time, and only shortcut tricks can give you that success. Again it does not mean that you can’t do maths without using shortcut tricks. You may do math problems within time without using any shortcut tricks. You may have that potential.
But, so many other peoples may not do the same. Here we prepared profit or gain percent shortcut tricks for those people. We try our level best to put together all types of shortcut methods here. But we may miss few of them. If you know anything else rather than this please do share with us. Your help will help others.
We are follow some important facts and formula without this we are not able to calculate any profit or Gain percent any articles using shortcut tricks.when we purchase some item and then sell it we make profit some time depends on the cost price and selling price of an particular item. This type of problem are given in Quantitative Aptitude which is a very essential paper in banking exam.Under below given some more example for your better practice.
In case of Profit and Loss, the relation in between Cost Price and Sell Price is- Suppose a profit of 30% accrued on by selling an article. This means,
Cost Price of Article is 100%
Selling Price of Article is 130%
Profit of Article after Selling is 30%
Formula Gain % = (Gain x 100/C.P)
Example #1 – Profit or Gain percent
P sells an item to Q at a profit of 20% and Q sells it to R at a profit of 25%. If R pays Rs.225/- for it. Find the cost price of it.
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Answer: Option (D)
How to Solve Required price is: 100 x 100 x 225 / 120 x 125 = 150
Cost price of that item is Rs.150/-.
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Example #2 – Profit or Gain percent
A boy purchased an item for Rs.80/- and sold it for Rs.100/-. What would be his profit % ?
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Answer: Option (A)
How to Solve CP of the item = Rs.80/- SP of the item = Rs.100/- Profit is = 100 – 80 = Rs.20/- Profit % = profit x 100 / CP = 20 x 100 / 80 = 25%
Shortcut Tricks Profit % = 20 x 100 / 80 = 25%
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Example #3 – Profit or Gain percent
If selling price of an item is 6/5 of it’s cost price, then what would be profit in that?
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Answer: Option (B)
How to Solve Let, Cost Price is C. Selling Price is 6C / 5 Gain = 6C / 5 – C = C / 5 Gain % = C x 1 x 100 / 5 x C = 20%
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Example #4 – Profit or Gain percent
A shopkeeper bought 80kg of onion for Rs.640/- and sold the whole onion at the price of Rs.8.50/- per kg. What would be his gain percent?
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Answer: Option (C)
How to Solve Cost price of 1 kg = 640 / 80 = Rs.8/- Selling price of 1 kg = 8.50 gain% = 0.50 x 100 / 8 = 6.25%
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Example #5 – Profit or Gain percent
A shopkeeper sells one Radio for Rs.840/- at a gain of 20% and another for Rs.1056/- at a loss of 4%. What would be his total gain or loss percent?
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Answer: Option (D)
How to Solve CP of first radio is = 100 x 840 / 120 = Rs.700/- CP of second radio is = 100 x 1056 / 96 = Rs.1100/- Total SP = 840 + 1056 = Rs.1896/- Profit = 1896 – 1800 = Rs.96/- Profit % = 96 x 100 / 1800 = 5.33%.
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Example #6 – Profit or Gain percent
By selling an item for Rs.250/- one gains Rs.50/-. What would be the gain % ?
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Answer: Option (C)
How to Solve Cost price of an Item is ( 250 – 50 ) = Rs.200/- So, Profit % = 50 x 100 / 200 = 25%.
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Example #7 – Profit or Gain percent
By selling an item for Rs.260/- one gains Rs.20/-. What would be his gain % ?
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Answer: Option (A)
How to Solve Cost price = 260 – 20 = Rs.240/- Profit % = 20 x 100 / 240 = 8.33%.
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Example #8 – Profit or Gain percent
Salim purchase an article for Rs.40/- and sells it for Rs.60/-. Find his gain percent.
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Answer: Option (D)
How to Solve CP = 40 and SP = 60 Gain = 60 – 40 = 20 Gain % = 20 x 100 / 40 = 50%.
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Example #9 – Profit or Gain percent
Rana purchase a ball for Rs.80/- and sells it for Rs.100/-. Find his gain percent.
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Answer: Option (B)
How to Solve CP = 80 and SP = 100 Gain = 100 – 80 = 20 Gain % = 20 x 100 / 80 = 25%.
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Example #10 – Profit or Gain percent
A farmer purchase an article for Rs.25/- and sells it for Rs.28/-. Find his gain percent.
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Answer: Option (A)
How to Solve CP = 25 and SP = 28 Gain = 28 – 25 = 3 Gain % = 3 x 100 / 25 = 12%.
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Example #11
An untruthful retailer sell his product at cost price. However he uses a weight of 950 grams for a kg weight. Find his gain percent.
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Answer: Option (B)
How to Solve We apply gain% formula 1 Kg = 1000 grams. Profit of untruthful retailer = ( 1000 grams – 950 grams ) = 50 grams. Gain% = [ Error x 100 / ( True Value ) – (Error) ]% 50 x 100 / 950 = 5000 / 950 = 5.263%
So, his gain percent is 5.263157894736842%
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Example #12
A dishonest wholesaler sell his goods at a cost price and use weight of 800 gm instead of one kilogram weight. What profit will he make?
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Answer: Option (D)
How to Solve 200 x 100 / 800 = 25%.
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Example #13
A women went to a shop to bought chocolate at 6 for a rupee. To gain 20% profit how many for a rupee shall she sell?
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Answer: Option (D)
How to Solve Cost price of 6 chocolate is Rs.1/-. So, to Gain 20% of 1 rupee = 100 / 120 = 5 / 6. = 5 x 6 / 6 = 5.
To gain 20% profit she shall sell 5 chocolate for a rupee.
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Example #14
Sunita bought a TV for Rs.18000/- and sold it for Rs.22000/-. How much profit she gets?
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Answer: Option (C)
How to Solve 22000 – 18000 = 4000. Profit she gets = 4000 x 100 / 18000 = 200 / 9 = 22.222222222%.
So, his gain profit is 22.22%.
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Example #15
Nilesh mixes 22 Kg of rice of Rs.18/- per kg with another type of 24 Kg rice of Rs.16/- per kg. He then sell the new mixture for Rs.20/- per kg. What would be his profit percent?
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Answer: Option (C)
How to Solve 22 x 18 + 24 x 16 = ( 396 + 384 ) = 780 Total kg of rice = 22 + 24 = 46 Selling price is = ( 46 x 20 ) = 920 Profit = ( 920 – 780 ) = 140 Profit % = 140 x 100 / 780 = 17.95%.
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Example #16
Samir bought a car at 11/15 of it’s selling price and after that sold it at 15% more then it’s selling price. What would be his gain?
510/12 %
444/13 %
525/13 %
625/11 %
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Answer: Option (D)
How to Solve Let, Selling price be X Cost price is 11/15 X, Sold it more 15% that is = 115% of Rs X is = 115 / 100 = 23 / 20X. So, gain = 23 / 20 – 11 / 15 = 5/12 So, gain % is = 5 x 15 x 100 / 12 x 11 = 625/11 %.
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Example #17
Some goods item was purchased at 7 for Rs.6/- and is sold at 6 for Rs.7/-. What would be the gain percent?
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Answer: Option (D)
How to Solve So, Number of goods was purchase = We need to do is L.C.M of 7 and 6 = 42. So, Cost price 42 goods item = Rs 6 x 42 / 7 = 36. Selling Price of 42 goods item is = 7 x 42 / 6 = 49. So, gain = ( 49 – 36 ) = 13 Gain% is = 13 x 100 / 36 = 325/9%.
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Example #18
Find her gain or loss percent if a women purchase oranges at 5 for Rs.4/- and sold them at 4 for Rs.5/-.
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Answer: Option (A)
How to Solve Let, she purchase number of oranges L.C.M of 5 and 4 Cost price = ( 4 x 20 / 5 ) = Rs.16/- So, Selling price = ( 5 x 20 / 4 ) = Rs.25/- Profit = 25 – 16 / 16 = 9/16 So, gain percent = ( 9 x 100 / 16 )% = 56.25%.
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Example #19
A boy buys apple at 8 for Rs.9/- and sells 9 apples for Rs.8/-. How much profit or loss does he makes?
20.98% Ptofit
20.98% Loss
25.75% Profit
25.75% Loss
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Answer: Option (B)
How to Solve (8 x 8)-(9 x 9)/9×9 x 100 = -20.98% The sign is -ve, there is a loss of 20.98%.
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here we assume she purchase six oranges of each kind. means 6 of each kind, both kind = 12 oranges. than purchase oranges at 2 for Rs. 1 of each kind = 1 x 6/ 2. equal number at 3 for Rs 2 of each kind = 2 x 6 / 3 So, add both kind of 12 oranges cost price price we get Rs.7. and than find selling price after that applied gain% formula.
On selling an article of rs 240 ,a trader loses 4%.inorder to gain 10% he must sell that article for ???? Plzz solve this ….options are a) 275 b) 340 c) 320 d) 264
i have doubt in 10th example sum. plz clarify. 10th , 11th are based on same model. but in 10th true value is taken as 1000 whereas in 11th example it is 800.
in 10th example we need to find the gain% formula Gain% = [ Error x 100 / ( True Value ) ]% In 11th example we need to find the Profit of dishonest wholesaler, Formula = Profit of dishonest wholesaler = profit of dishonest wholesaler x 100 / CP of dishonest wholesaler ,
A fan listed of Rs, 1500 and a discount of 20% is offered on the list price. What additional discount must be offered to the customer to bring the net price to Rs. 1104 ?
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please see example 2
Thanks jay prakash…
very tough examples ……..
Fantastic and extremely helpful. Pl let me know how can I save and use it for ready reference.
EX.13 i don’t got it
EX.13 very tuff i don’t got it
here we assume she purchase six oranges of each kind. means 6 of each kind, both kind = 12 oranges.
than purchase oranges at 2 for Rs. 1 of each kind = 1 x 6/ 2. equal number at 3 for Rs 2 of each kind = 2 x 6 / 3
So, add both kind of 12 oranges cost price price we get Rs.7. and than find selling price after that applied gain% formula.
Please explain example 8 . I cannt understand why ur multipling by 6 in last step
C.P. of 6 toffees = Re. 1
S.P. of 6 toffees = 120% of Re. 1 = Rs. 6
For Rs. 6 , toffees sold = 6.
For Re. 1, toffees sold = 6 x 5 = 5.
C.P. of 6 choco= Re. 1
S.P. of 6 choco= 120% of Re. 1 = Rs. 6/5(gain 20%)
For Rs. 6/5, choco sold = 6.
For Re. 1, choco sold =6 x (5/6) = 5.
Sir mera math kafi weak h mai kis tarah ki taiyari karu ki mera achha number aaye pleas sir tips me
pls explain ex:15
On selling an article of rs 240 ,a trader loses 4%.inorder to gain 10% he must sell that article for ???? Plzz solve this ….options are a) 275 b) 340 c) 320 d) 264
275 ….. Sp=(100-loss \100*)cp
And sp=(100+gain\100)*cp
S.p =240
C.p = 240/96×100 = 250
To gain 10% profit the s.p will be
4% lOSS = 240*100/96=250
10% GAIN = 250*10/100=25
In order to gain 10% he must have to sell that article 250+25=275
ans: 275
can u please explain example 2
Maybe the options given by you is wrong price of article will be 294
i am not getting the language of first question… how you can tae 6 as profit or 10 as cp???
can you please explain ex 1
very helpful guys
i have doubt in 10th example sum. plz clarify. 10th , 11th are based on same model. but in 10th true value is taken as 1000 whereas in 11th example it is 800.
in 10th example we need to find the gain% formula Gain% = [ Error x 100 / ( True Value ) ]%
In 11th example we need to find the Profit of dishonest wholesaler, Formula = Profit of dishonest wholesaler = profit of dishonest wholesaler x 100 / CP of dishonest wholesaler ,
ex 12’s answer is wrong.
pls explain me ex 1…ne1 pls
Ya it’s supeeeerrrrr really it’s very helpful in bank exams
please explain the ex1
the formula to find selling price is s.p=c.p*(100+p% /100)
for c.p its {c.p=s.p*(100 / 100+p%)}….
so…225*100*100 / 120*125 = 150
Plz explain eg:15,it’s vry diffficult for me to Understand
19Th question how to solve
A fan listed of Rs, 1500 and a discount of 20% is offered on the list price. What additional discount must be offered to the customer to bring the net price to Rs. 1104 ?
a)8% b)10% c)12% d)15%
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