Multiplication of less than 100-base Number shortcut tricks :
Numbers are given for Multiplication of less then 100-base Number which is very time taking to calculate the numbers, So don’t worry here we given the another Quick shortcut tricks to do quick calculation of multiplication of less then 100-base Number by using of another Multiplication of Quick shortcut tricks.
Shortcut Tricks are very important things in competitive exam. Competitive exams are all about time. If you manage your time then you can do well in those exams. Most of us skip that part. Few examples on multiplication of less than 100 base shortcuts is given in this page below. We try to provide all types of shortcut tricks on multiplication of less than 100 base here. We request all visitors to read all examples carefully. These examples will help you to understand shortcut tricks on Multiplication of Less than 100 base.
Before starting anything just do a math practice set. Then find out twenty math problems related to this topic and write those on a paper. Using basic math formula do first ten maths of that page. You also need to keep track of the time. Write down the time taken by you to solve those questions. Now go through our page for multiplication of less than 100 base shortcut trick. After this do remaining ten questions and apply shortcut formula on those math problems. Again keep track of timing. This time you will surely see improvement in your timing. But this is not all you want. If you need to improve your timing more then you need to practice more.
We all know that the most important thing in competitive exams is Mathematics. That doesn’t mean that other topics are less important. But if you need a good score in exam then you have to score good in maths. Only practice and practice can give you a good score. You should do your math problems within time with correctness, and this can be achieved only by using shortcut tricks. But it doesn’t mean that you can’t do math problems without using any shortcut tricks. You may have that potential that you may do maths within time without using any shortcut tricks. But so many other people may not do the same. For those we prepared this multiplication of less than 100 base shortcut tricks. Here in this page we try to put all types of shortcut tricks on Multiplication of Less than 100 base. But it possible we miss any. We appreciate if you share that with us. Your help will help others.
Example #1 – Multiplication of Less than 100-base Numbers
In the example:
91 x 92 = 8372
In this type of calculation both the numbers are always less than 100.
Step 1: We count less numbers from 100, 1st number is less number is 9 from 100 and 2nd number is 8 less from 100,
Step 2: We just multiply the less numbers,(6 x 5) = 72.
Step 3: And now we need to do is add the less numbers that is ( 9 + 8) = 17,
Step 4: And subtract 11 from 100 that is ( 100 – 17 ) = 83.
so the result is 8372.”
Step 2 should say (9 x 8) = 72
Thank u Jim
u r cool and expert mathematitian
really am admired .. good work .. really helpful.. thank you so much…..
nice trick
How to solve 99*99 with same method
I have a new method for this.
then substract 5 from 96 or 4 from 95=91
it is much easy
thank you
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